Tuesday 14 September 2010

About us

Administrator: The name of administrator is Md  Bahar uddin ARNOB. He lives in Bangladesh at Dhaka. He is a student of Stamford University Bangladesh in the department of CSE

Author: He is j.siam . He lives in Bangladesh at Dhaka. He is a student of AIUB in the department of CSE.

Author: He is Abdula al mamun. He lives in Bangladesh at Dhaka. He is a student of Stamford University Bangladesh. His department is CSE.

Something about this blog:  Hello friends, how are you? we are three friends Arnob, Siam and Mamun. We all are student of CSE. We all konw that the programming is one of the most importent and heard subject in CSE. We want to creat a sits about programmin. Here we are trying to make easy the progtamming subject. If you have any question please call me Arnob 01924066050.


  1. i m very happy to see this website......because i m student of csse,and classmates of siam......wish all the best all of u.and submit my problem very soon...........

  2. Theanx broo.....if you have any problem in programming plz send us and we will try to solve your problem.

  3. nice blog.........

  4. hey ... i need help with my test...got screen shots of the questions n answers bt i have nobody to correct em 4 me... would you all b wiling to? i need it for maximum tomorrow coz my test based on that is on friday.... if so here s my email...
    thank u
